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Progress on the West Side

Writer: Leah Ersoylu for NMUSDLeah Ersoylu for NMUSD

When I was elected four years ago, I was entering a situation where so many families

had fled the Area 1 (Estancia) Zone and morale was low. There were dedicated families

working to make the “West Side the Best Side” so-to-speak but had not gained traction

within the District to get their voices heard and progress made.

In 2020, TeWinkle Middle School had only 11 electives. Eleven. Corona del Mar and

Costa Mesa Middle Schools had 26 and 28 respectively. This was deeply disturbing to

me because it signaled to me, clear as day, what I had suspected and what made me

run for this office while my daughter was an elementary student at California

Elementary—the Westside had been left behind. There simply was not equal access to

rigorous, diverse coursework. And, as a parent, I know how critical it is to have access

to various classes, electives and extra-curricular activities. Students- especially in the

“tween” years of middle school, are discovering what they like (and are quite vocal

about what they don’t like!) and need to have access to explore whatever topic they can

think of that will possibly spark their curiosity and engage them more fully in their overall

academic success.

Working alongside the active parents of the Estancia Zone, the District held community

forums in during my first years on the Board where we heard from parents about what

electives they and their students would like to see. I am so proud to report that we were

able to make these changes and today, have *doubled* the offerings at TeWinkle, as

well as expanding the extra-curriculars offered after school.

Today, in 2024, kids now have choice of not only the AVID, ASB, Project Lead the Way,

Band and the others, but now also have access to: Yoga, Art 2, Journalism, Drama,

Advanced Drama, Spanish 7, Span 8, Intro to Language, Art 1, Green Architecture,

Design & Modeling.

Also of note, Estancia High School was just awarded the prestigious California

Distinguished School Award in 2024. This award demonstrates our continued laser

focus on increasing rigor at Estancia, and the dedication of the staff to providing a

wonderful learning environment for the students that is sparking their enthusiasm and

engagement, which in turn has led to higher achievement. Estancia Principal, Mike Halt


“This is a shared recognition that could not have been possible without the dedication of

our teachers, the hard work of our students, and the support of our communities. I want

every parent in our zone to know the quality educational experience their children can

have in our schools.”

It is clear that, together with our strides in Early Childhood Education (TK) and the

advances in curriculum alignment and improving instructional rigor at the Elementary

level across Area 1, together, alongside the community and the District, we are turning

things around and making our local schools in Area 1 the first and best choice for



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